I am for the death penalty if it is applied to serious offenders like serial killers, which causes mayhem in the society and jeopardy in the lives of the people.
The most important purpose of the death penalty is to deter many criminals-to-be from committing murder, preventing recidivism and avoid the unnecessary use of the taxpayers’ money on cold-blooded murderers. Furthermore, the killing of a murderer may save at least one more live that is more worthy than the murderer as the quality of the life saved is often compared to be superior than that of the live being taken. During desperate situations like that, we will have to accept the fact that it is more beneficial to the larger community and we just have to overcome the sense of unpleasantness of taking the live of another.
However, what really justifies a death penalty? Evidences that the police finds at the crime scene? Sometimes, the accused may be so unfortunate that the evidences are also not helping him at all but instead convicting him of his crime. Furthermore, the death penalty is irreversible, a wrong execution carried out may mean an innocent live lost. On the other hand, increasing the degree of punishment may result in more resistance in the capturing process that may possibly be at the expense of more innocent lives.
In conclusion, although there is the death penalty to help in the deterring of crimes, the community must also fight for the prevention of crime and against torturing of the inmates to get information from them or even force them to “change over”. Therefore, as the police forces deters crimes by capital punishment, the masses should also play their part in reducing the percentages of crime rates in their respective states.