Saturday, May 12, 2007

The 21st century 'weapon'

In the recent decade, technology has evolved so rapidly that our lives are evolviong around it. Although it was invented to improve the lives of the people, some have made used of it to climb up the ranks,bully and even get famous.All you need is a click of the mouse on the 'send' button on the screen.
Teens nowadays s within reach of publishing their thoughts even faster than an entire newsroom 10 years ago. Furthermore, there is no need to go through a series of editiors and executives to get the article publish,its all a one man show and they are responsible for what they have posted on the internet.However, only a handful are punished for the issues they published on the internet through their websites and blogs which leaves them feeling nothing for the things they type and ignorant about the feelings of the people they are referring to especially those that are humiliating their 'enemies' through the net.All these are due to the unnecessity to use our real identities in the world of cyberspace.
If this misuse of the luxury of freedom is to be carried into the next 2 decades, everyone will just be unfeeling beings, indifferent to the feelings of the people and soon the world will be filled with selfishness and hatred. Until then, we can still make changes to the lifestyle and the issues we discuss through the internet.It would be alright if we discuss and exchange ideas with people from around the world, as it is what the internet was invented for, but to use as a tool to hurt someone else or to climb the ladder of successes, it will be an insult to the personality of mankind.