Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Global Warming:The Upcoming threat

For thousands of years,people have been taking the resources provided by Mother Earth for granted,using them as though they had limitless supplies of it and not thinking of the consequences.Recently,awareness has been raised around the world in response to the significant rise in global temperatures and sea levels.Is it too late to only realise the effects now?Or is there a glimpse of hope in surviving with all that we have left,not knowing how long these will last...

Although governments of countries that are huge users of fossil fuels are trying their best to cut the country's reliance on these resources,they are still far from success.And two such countries will be the U.S. and China.China,being a rapidly developing country in the last decade is one of the main contributors to the great emitters of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and its citites is one of the most polluted around the world.

So,what are the governments doing?What are we doing?

Little,we can do very little as this problem was neglected for too long that it is now almost irrevisible.All that we can do is to reduce the rate we use and emit from this point in time,settle down, and adapt to the conditions we have 'deserved' from our carelessness.

However,there's always the group of people that would not give up till the last bit. Discussions and dabates are starting to try and solve this global problem.An example will be the U.S. who has recently acknowledged global warming after bing years behind all other countries for so long. Actions are also taken, take the Netherlands for exampl.they have the strongest flood defenses yet they are still making them stronger so as to better prevent their cities and homelands from being destroyed by the floods that may occur with the continuous rise in sea levels.Bangladash, being the most vulnerable low-lying country that faces the sea and drains 92%of the snowmelt from the vast Himalayan mountain range,farmers are switching land over to prawn farming which tolerates saltier waterto stay in the race for survival.

Above are only few of the many countries and groups of people that are adapting and changing their lifestyles to the effects of global warming.I believe that salvaging the whole situation is possible only if every single country,every single population,every single human being plays their respective part in saving Mother Earth, our home,regardless of how significant or how minor the contribution is because like the old saying goes,every single droplet of water makes the mighty ocean.